
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Couple Blogrolling Update/Bug Fixes

Just a couple quick notes that might help some people recover from Blogrolling.

For some time I have been unable to display or access my Blogroll from my blogs.  I finally found out why (below).  With luck, I can now extract the blog list to a separate file, more or less in mass.  Copied from a post on Get Satisfaction

The problem was with one of the settings in the "Advanced Options" section where you can choose how you want your BlogRoll to look, there was an error that appears to be caused by a bug in the website coding.

What to do:
1. Log into BlogRolling which defaults to the "My BlogRolls" page.
2. Click on the "Edit BlogRoll" link in the BlogRoll that you wish to edit.
3. This opens up a page showing your BlogRoll Name, Website URL, and the words "Advanced Options". Click on the arrow to the left of "Advanced Options" which will drop down a whole list of choices.
4. Scroll down to the "Links to Display" option. By default, the number entered in the box will be 0. This is why you can't see any links in your BlogRoll.
5. BlogRolling.com suggests that you leave this blank to display all links, but at the moment this isn't working! Leaving this blank and clicking the "Submit" button at the page bottom makes this value default back to 0, thus still not allowing any links to be seen in your BlogRoll.
6. Instead, enter the number 999. (This will work as long as you have less than 999 blogs in your blogroll!)
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Submit" button in order to have your changes accepted.
8. Open up the "Advanced Options" again to double-check that your changes have been accepted.

Now, all things being correct, you should be able to see your BlogRoll on your blog.

Also, if you want a way to display just your Blogroll, this html should let you do that:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


<-- Insert a copy the Javascript incantation Blogrolling supplies here.  FWIW, the list of random digits seems to be what Blogrolling uses to locate the actual blog list.  -->

You will likely have to fuss with things a bit, but I'm hoping this will let me get a copy of the Blogrolling blog list without manually copying every link.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great, Bloglines is closing down Oct 1st and we've been looking fer another ta use. We think we wont try Blogroll.

Guess its Google Reader fer us then...

curator said...

Hm, I never have even gotten into Blogrolling yet! I am still behind the times!

1389 said...

I tried the other method for displaying the blogroll on a separate page. However, when you attempt to copy those links into another file, you just get the JavaScript code.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Interesting. Chrome saves the list of blog links, as displayed. Internet Explorer saves the original HTML every way I've tried so far.

I wonder which one is working the way it is supposed to.

Anonymous said...

I realize I have never used blogrolling. I must be WAY behind. I use G'Reader, non-techier the better for me...


-Reenie (Sherkhan's mummy)

Ellen Whyte said...

I'm not having any problems but when it does happen Google Reader will be my choice.

Thanks for visiting us, and your kind words about Scoop.

Oscar The Cat said...

Meow! I hadn't even heard of Blogrolling!! As you can tell, I am very new to the cat blogging world!

A while ago you kindly visited my blog. Thank you so much! Sorry it has taken so long to visit and say hi. My Parentals hog the computer so I don't get enough time. If I don't get my own computer, I will be demanding more time so I can keep up with blogging and visiting other kitty blogs.

Have a super weekend!

Oscar The Cat