So we're glad can contribute some good news, both for us and for a stray orange kittie.
Hobo (see picture) has a new furrever home, and so far he is taking over like he owns the place. That is the good news for him. His new home is about eighty miles away. That is the good news for us.
The story.
A month or two ago The Food Source met a friendly orange kittie at the V*T's office. He kept trying to get INTO the V*T office, so it was pretty clear he was homeless, and probably either desperate, confused, or really, really dumb! Anyway, The Food Source played with him a little, and the next time he looked out, the orange kittie was sitting in the yard outside his door.
The Food Source kept playing with him, and feeding him, and after a week or so The Food Source was able to coax this intruder into our house. Bad move, kittie!
A quick trip to the V*T, a quick snip, and this interloper was living in the utility room under the name 'Hobo'. Worse move, kittie!
We all made it clear this was not acceptable.
So this past Saturday The Food Source stuffed the interloper into a Prisoner Transport Unit and moved him to his new home, with The Food Source's brother.
The word is he is settling in fine, and already giving orders. Good move, kittie.
I am ever so glad to have such a happy story for Sunday!
That's a great story. I'm very glad that Hobo has a new home.
YAY! We are's so happy that Hobo has a furever home now. Even better is maybe he can visits you guys sometime? :)
What a fabulous story. It sounds like Hobo is pretty smart!
That's great news! Hobo has a new forever home and it's not with you!!
Oh! We're glad that Hobo is friendly enough to get a home. That is wonderful news! Thank you for fixing him and finding him a home! That's so fantastic of you!
Sadly, Orinch is more feral than tame. He'll be released in the morning outside. He comes here at 7am and 7pm every single day for food, so he'll be our "outdoor" kitty although we absolutely don't believe in cats going outside ever since Davy was killed. Thank goodness he won't be creating any kittens. We won't change our name though...
Luf, Us
You are invited to come over for mine 14th purrthday party! Come have a wook at the invitation at mine bwoggy!
Wuna can stay as wong as she wants. She can nap on mine bed!
I has tagged you for the My box of Life meme, come see our blog.
Lylah here...glad to hear other homeless kitties find good mommies & daddies to love them. Happy to you Hobo
Hobo is a very smart kitty! He got IN. IN is better:)
Dearest kitty cat friends...I hope you do not think me too ungracious of a kitty for taking such a long time to return your visit. You can only imagine how happy I was to see you come cheer me on while I was so very sick. Mommy was heartbroken and thought for sure I would not regain any of my spirit and was prepared for the worst. But I was worth a small miracle. With your purrrayers and some good medicine, I have regained my strength day by day. Mommy would not have made it through her worries about me without your comfort. Each night we keep you in our prayers and wish you endless Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
Love and hugs from our house to yours, Miss Peach and the mommy who hope you do our box of life meme
We hopes yoo guys are doin good. Happy Fanksgiving :)
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Any time an orange kitty has a happy ending that's good for me : )
Just dropped by to see what's up with you guys... and hoping that no news isn't bad news.
This is a furry happy story. Fanks for visiting us and welcoming us to the kitty blogosphere :)
Yay fur Hobo...we do love happy endings so much more than sad ones.
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