If not, let me add my small voice to the rest.

Zeus, Skeezix, Beau, and who ever else is thinking about leaving -- stay, please. The Cat-o-sphere wouldn't be the same without some of its brightest voices.
K.C. & momma. I "borrowed" you image for this post. No hard feelings, I hope?
K.C. & momma. I "borrowed" you image for this post. No hard feelings, I hope?
Hi and welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!! Ifn u want people to know yur owt there, ask Skeezix to put it on his blog and he'll announce u!!!
Thanks fur wishing me a Happy Purrfday!!!
Luf, Jenny @ Forty Paws
Pee Ess. Maw needz to check owt Cafe Pressssss. Fanks!
Pretty cool site you have here- I should send it to a friend of mine she's a cat o' maniac!
Hi Radcliff, Allie, Luna & Ozzie,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Like me, you have 4 cats. Looking forward to more posts about them!
Hope you got the puter fixed. Our Momma is real sour to live with when the puter is down.
Hi, R A L and O,
I came by to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your visits to the Pet Museum, and your comment. I hope all your computer problems are solved! I'll be back, so keep blogging!
Glad you's back and posting. That was a real sad situation wif da contest but we finks things are working out wif efurryone.
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