
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Posting an update, mostly to report that nothing much has changed, really.

Dave is out of the hospital, and into what they call "Skilled Care".  He is getting physical therapy, and expects to actually get to go home in a few days.  All your purrrss and purrrrayers were deeply appreciated.

On the stray kitten front, Third Black Kittie is spending about half her time in the house, and frankly is starting to get a little bossy.  Anne Bonny & Mary Read seem only mildly concerned TBK is around, but TBK keeps meowing and hissing at the Pirate Girls, and is starting to intimidate them a bit.  TBK seems to be a lot younger than the Pirate Girls, and I am getting a horrible feeling she is pregnant.  It'll be a month or two before I can do anything about spaying her, so I guess what ever happens, happens.

Gray Kittie is getting a little braver, but she still won't come inside or let me get too close to her.  TBK is torn between hanging out in the house (warm, food, toys, cuddles) and hanging out with GK (playmate, buddy).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Updating everyone on everything, more or less

Just updating on everything.

First off, my brother Dave is out of Intensive Care, and gaining on whatever it was put him there in the first place.  If the doctors know what it was, no one has thought it necessary to bother to tell me.  Purrrrss and purrrrayers were appreciated.

On the stray kittie front, Third Black Kittie spent a couple days inside, and spent most of one of them exploring the house.  Anne Bonny was a little upset by that, but restricted her complaints to meowing from across the room, and avoiding me.  Mary Read probably noticed TBK, but didn't think she was anything worth bothering over.

The Gray Kittie came a little further into the house, but will only come inside if I am away from the door, and preferably out of the room.  As soon as she sees me, she heads for the door, and if I come anywhere close GK runs outside and away.  She is getting braver, but she still doesn't trust me, even when TBK is cuddling in my arms.

TBK is torn.  She likes it inside, where it is warm and there is food all the time, but she REALLY wants to hang out with GK, too.  After a few days, she went back outside, most likely looking for her GK buddy.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Could use some purrrrrss

Hi, all.  Pirate Girls Dad here.

My brother has been in the hospital since Friday, and he could probably use a few purrrrrrrss or purrrrrayers.  Some of you might know him through Hobo's Tales.

A few kind thoughts would be welcome.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Status: Gaining, maybe

We're making some progress, anyway.  It started getting cold and windy last night, and when I opened the back door, the Third Black Kittie came trotting into the house.  The Gray Kittie wanted to get inside, but the two or three times she crept in the door, she saw me, and ran away again.  Third Black Kittie was torn between inside (warm) and outside (cold, but with her buddy), but she finally stayed in the house.

The low last night was around 13°F (-4°C), so I hope Gray Kittie found someplace warm to spend the night.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Update on the stray kitties

Update: About 9:15PM, I got the Gray Kittie into the house.  She kept coming up to the door, looking at me, and running away.  So I propped the door open about 6 inches and went over where she couldn't see me.  It wasn't more than about ten minutes before Gray Kittie carefully sneeaakkeedd in the door.  She probably isn't real happy right now, but she is inside


For those of you tracking progress, there has been some, maybe.

The New Black Kittie is sleeping in the utility room, at least for the moment.  She came in, ate, used the litter box, and curled up in a box for a nap.

The Stray Buddy is getting a little braver.  I was at least able to get a couple photos of her(?).

Don't get too impressed by how close she looks in the photos.  You can do lots with editing software. The shot below is closer to what I see.

But I almost got her to come in the house a couple times.  She really wants to come inside, she just doesn't quite trust me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

False Start -- Pending Further Developments

Well,it looks like the New Black Kittie decided outside is better, at least for the moment.

She spent the night in the utility room and did fine.  She ate most of the food I left her, used the litter box like a champ, and drank all but a couple swallows in the water bowl.  She went outside with me in the morning to help feed the birds and put out fresh water for the critters, but came right in when I called her.

But in the evening when I put out the outside cat food, her buddy was out there waiting.  They sniffed noses, and then they both dashed off around the corner of the house.

The buddy is a pretty gray tabby, with a white nose and mostly white legs.  She(?) won't let me closer than about three feet, although she seems to be getting braver.  Not sure if they are litter mates, mother and daughter, or just friends, but they are together a lot.

I guess I'll just have to keep working on the buddy, maybe I can get them both inside someday.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A third black kittie??

Hi, all.  Check out the photos.  No, they are not photos of Anne Bonny or of Mary Read.  I've had several stray/feral kitty's hanging out in the yard.  This girl(?) has decided I'm not likely to eat her, and decided to come into the house today.  (The high today was predicted to be about 25F, which might have had something to do with that :-) )

I'm keeping her in the utility room for the moment.  I want to make sure she knows how to use the litter box and try to make sure she is healthy.  After that, if she thinks inside is better, I guess I now have three black kitties.  sigh...

Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

For the Sherwood Bunch

We stole a copy of Zoolatry's image for this post; we hope no one minds.

We want to add our THANKS to ML & the Sherwood Bunch.  The Cat Blogosphere would not be the same with out you kitties and beans, if it existed at all.

ppuurrrrrrrrrss from Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and their Dad.