
Saturday, June 25, 2011

For Luna - June, 1996 to June 23, 2011

For Luna


Amongst all the posts we've made, no one ever covered how Luna became part of the family.

In 1998 I decided I was ready for a new cat. At the time I was working long hours, often in an erratic schedule. So I decided that getting two kitties that were already buddies would work out best. That way, they could keep each other company when I was working. As it turned out, the shelter I was dealing with did not have any pairs. So I wound up picking two kitties of about the same size, age, and attitude, and hoping for the best. Those two turned out to be Radcliff & Allie.

There were several other kitties I considered, and I kept an eye on them as my two settled in and started ignoring each other. Over the next few months most of them found homes. Luna was the exception. I was in Petsmart most every weekend, and I would check with people from the shelter. Somehow, she was
always there. I'd play with her through the glass, and cuddle with her if the door to the area was open. Along the way, I found out that she had been taken home at least once, and then returned.

Eventually, I decided that Luna was fated to become my third cat, whether I really thought that was a good idea or not.

It soon became clear why she kept showing up in the shelter. She had a fairly serious urinary tract problems, that took a three vets several years to get a good handle on. When she was feeling poorly, she would get really cranky, swatting and snapping at any one who tried to pick her up or pet her.

Eventually, one vet got a little bit of a handle on her problems, and she started showing some of her true personally. Still a little cranky, but a sweet snuggler once she trusted you a bit.

More recently I spent a couple years taking care of my Mom. I spent most of one summer trimming trees, raking leaves, and generally giving the yard the first clean up in several years. Luna was my dedicated helper for most of that. I had to check before I dropped anything, especially if I was up on a ladder, because Luna was usually hanging out around the bottom. Whenever I took a break, Luna was usually right in my lap, or at least along side of me. If I managed to get out of the house without Luna noticing, it usually wasn't very long before Mom would be calling me to come get my baby.

More recently, Luna got to be something of a loner, finding some out of the way place to sleep until it was time to feed the kitties. Somehow, she always managed to show up to help with that, or at least to supervise while I opened the cans.

I'm telling you this now, because Luna left me for The Bridge sometime during Thursday night.



Mr Puddy said...

What a wonderful story of Luna.And I was shocked at the end of her story. I'm deeply sorry about her. I'm sending purrs and prayer to you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A beautiful tribute. We are very sorry for your loss. Purrs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is ironic that when I want one cat, the shelter has only pairs...

But it all works best in the end. We are so glad Luna and you found each other!

cwcwccw said...

We're purrs and prays for you, we're so sorry for your loss.

joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu from Singapore

Sultan said...

This is very sorrowful. Good wishes to you.

Katnip Lounge said...

Many purrs coming your way to comfort you on your loss of Luna. Godspeed, sweet one.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I didn't catch the title of the post and was enjoying getting to now Luna and your connection with her. It made me all the more sad to hear of her passing.

My deepest condolences for your loss

The Chair Speaks said...

You gave Luna a warm home full of love, care and dedication. She knew it and really loved you lots. Recent signs of Luna showed she was getting ready for the Rainbow Bridge. Our Tommy, Tortie and 4Head at Rainbow Bridge will be happy to frolick and play with her.
Sending lots of comforting purrs to you from all of us.

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear about Luna. We send you comforting purrs to help during this sad time.

Spock said...

Oh no! That is terrible. I came by to say hi & nice to meet you & I see Luna has gone to play with Oreo. So sorry for your loss.

The Daily Pip said...

Thank you for keeping Sweet Pea in your thoughts and prayers. He came through surgery very well. He will be on antibiotics for 10 days to heal his infection. At this point, we are still not sure if it is cancer or a severe infection. He will have a re-check in ten days and I will keep everyone posted.

Again, thank you so much for your support and kindness.

OKcats said...

Oh goodness, I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Miss Luna. How lucky she was to have you. You took the time to really get to know her personality and get to the root of her problems where it seems no one else would. She sounds like your special girl, and I know you miss her dearly. We're sending hugs and purrs during this hard time.

Fuzzy, Zoe, and mom Jana

Myst and Blackie said...

Purrs to you for your loss. Thank you for your purrs for Myst & we are very happy she returned home safely

Oldcat said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. May you soon remember the happy times with her more than the loss you feel now.

A few Good Cats said...

We're sorry to hear the sad news about your Luna. All anyone can ever do is try to make every day count, because we don't have a promise of tomorrow. Luna must have had a good life with you, and you'll always have those good memories.

Ikaika said...

Gentle purrs of comfort on the loss of your Luna. We are so sorry.

Run free at the Bridge, Luna ...

Tia and Millie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that your girl had left you for the bridge. Comforting headbutts to you as long as you don't mind climbing into the nest with me and my babies so as I can cuddle you and them together.

Do you know that the prefix for my babies, the thing that will be the start of each and every one's pedigree name, is Moonspun? I hope it brings you comfort to know that even if it is only in our memories and not the babies', We will consider Luna and the first Moonspun litter forever connected. That is way too much of a coincidence.

Lots of purrs coming your way. And the kittens have just started squeaking. They can't purr yet, so I guess that's the best they can manage.

Clooney said...

That is a beautiful story. So very sorry for your loss of Luna. Gentle purrs to you. We wanted to thank you for your comment and your purrs, it means alot to us.

Be Well Sweet Luna

havetailwillwag said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss but I'm glad that in her lifetime, she had a forever home with you. She was loved. Rest in peace Luna.

Luxington said...

We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Luna was a very lucky girl to have found you, your story is so sweet. Nonstop cuddles and purrs are being sent your way.

Unknown said...

I love Luna's story and her picture! So beautiful.

Kenya will get fixed just as soon as she has the kittens if she is indeed pregnant. We hadn't done it yet because she was so young. She just turned 1 and hadn't gone into heat that we noticed yet.

lupie said...

We are so sorry to hear about Luna.

Rest well Luna. Though much loved here, it is now time to ascend for Angels are calling.

Anonymous said...

Hey I was really surprise to see that profile page.As I was told by blogger that it didn't exist.My blog is called Cat Chatter .Yet the Url is....http://ariel-asmileaday.blogspot.com/

Everycat said...

We are so sorry that Luna left. Such sudden partings are such a shock. We hope that Luna & Whicky will find somewhere good to romp at The Bridge. Thank you for your kind words to us on the loss of our Bro' - they are never here long enough

Gerry & Oliver

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

I am sorry to hear about beautiful Luna. Thanks for sharing her story. She sounds like a very special cat. Run free dear Luna ...

Your pal, Pip

Chesney Cats said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. Bless you for giving Luna such a wonderful life.

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

First, I'd like to thank you for dropping by. Second, when I checked 'you' out, your description of your kitties brought a big smile to my face. I fell in love with them immediately, and was so looking forward to reading about them, and Luna, too, who shared Yin's (the one with the diva attitude) behavior...but was shocked to read that Luna is gone. I am very, very sorry to hear this, although I do not know you (yet) I know how it is to loose a beloved pet that has become part of your family. My deepest condolence to you and those in your family who have loved Luna.

Purrs and headbutts.

Hilary said...

OMG.. I am so sorry... I never expected your post to end like that.. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a beloved pet is so difficult, especially if it wasn't expected. I can't even imagine what you felt. Luna sounds like a wonderful friend, who loved you so much. I am so sorry. Hugs.

John Bellen said...

I'm sorry for you to have lost Luna - and just before I published the story about Sadie. Thank you for your comments about her, even though you must have been hurting for Luna. It's funny that the cats who need us, and whom we need, are the ones we end up finding. Luna was lucky to have you, and vice versa.

Anya said...

Very sorry for your loss - always a very sad and difficult time.

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

I have not dropped by in a while and I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Luna was such a beautiful and sweet kitty. I love that her name means Moon. She had a special light. I'm glad she gave you happiness and that you gave her a loving home. Sending hugs and warm healing wishes.

Team Tabby said...

So sorry to hear of your loss of Luna, we send you many healing purrs, hope this helps.

We thank you for your words of encouragement that Cookie regains his sight!

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Thank you for coming by to leave a comment for Poncho who has lymphoma. We are so sorry we did not know you lost your sweet Luna. It was a lovely tribute to her. She looks like a tortie - our Chica can be quiet snippy at times too. So glad you two found each other. Snending purrs in your loss.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are so very sad that you lost Luna. We understand the sorrow, with Jack having left such a short time ago too. How wonderful that you got Luna out of her cage life and into her loving home, where her health and mood could be improved.

We also want to thank you so, so much for coming by and saying such nice things on our blog. Jack's passing has been difficult, but with everyone's support, we are doing better every day. Baby definitely misses her companion of 15 years, but with special attention, she is pulling out of her grief.

Parker said...

We send our heartfelt sympathies. Godspeed Luna, the bridge has a new beautiful angel.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind comments - I am sorry for your loss. Sending cyber purrs your way.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sorry for the loss of your Luna - and that we missed this post. She sounds like quite a kitty. Belated purrs and tail wags. And a hug.

Marlene said...

I really hate it when cats have to leave us but I absolutely treasure the time when they are with me.