
Friday, August 20, 2010

The Worst Shelter In North America (At Least)

It is doubtful that we reach anyone that isn't already fairly active in the Cat Blogosphere, but we really gotta try to do something to help with this.  This film is from the 'shelter' for Animal Control somewhere in the area of Woodstock, Ontario.

To quote Beth:
There are two employees that rotate shifts and are on call 24 hours per day. They do what they can. It can't be an easy job.
House of the Discarded :has more information here and here and a couple more posts along the way.


Sparkle said...

I saw that on Friday. I feel awful for those kitties! I would like to see us in the Cat Blogosphere put our collective heads together and figure out a way to really make a difference for the cats who wind up in this hellhole.

The Lee County Clowder said...

It is starting to bother us a little about how vague Beth keeps being about where, exactly, this place is, or who, exactly, is running it.

It is hard to start a letter writing campaign, or even do much to help the place when all you really know is it is '90 minutes from the Toronto area'.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We won't blame anny Beins who are tryin to help kitties...

Anita said...

So much work and few resources for the associations that protect and help animals...

Thanks for your visit and comment, I feel better :)

Boy n Beethoven said...

Poor kittehs!


The Island Cats said...

With the power of all us kitties in the Cat Blogosphere, we know we can do something to help!!

Anonymous said...

If we put our heads together, maybe we can help...

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We had to come by and visit you as you came and visited us today. Oh this 'shelter' from Hell situation is almost unbearable to see, seems more like an animal hoarding situation.

It is frustrating to not get much more info and therefore not even be able to contact someone like Best Friends Sanctuary...