
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Some progress at last

This might get Menu Foods attention about as fast as anything.

Menu Foods announced today that it has received notice from that [unidentified] customer, stating that the customer will no longer purchase cuts and gravy products from Menu Foods. [emphasis added]

Personally, I would like to know who finally jumped ship. I won't guarantee we'll start using their products, but we would definitely check into it.

To read the entire notice, visit StockHouse.ca : Menu Foods Income Fund. Basically the same notice is available at Globeinvester.

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Jimmy Joe said...

Hi Radcliff, Allie, Luna and Ozzie,
Thanks for visiting my new blog. That's real nice of you to remember all the poor kitties and doggies. It's really scary to think of food killing you--cuz I eat a lot of it.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe

Ayla said...

I'm glad that somebody is finally being brave enough to do something. That whole thing is just awful. How can anybody allow such dangerous stuff into our food?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to remind the kitty food makers that we won't forget their mistakes and thank you for blogrolling me. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Thanks for keepin' on top of things!

Be sure to stop by my bloggie! I'm having a 500th post contest. The details are in the June 9th posting.


Parker said...

Nice to see someone stepping up. I hope that more attention to the people who let all of this "slip by" gets paid to them.
Thanks for staying on top of the news for us kitties!

Penelope said...

I researched the issue. Thanks for letting me know. I posted corrections and such on my blog.

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

I don't know who jumped ship, but I'd like to. As Wysong was making noise about considering it, my money is on them.